
Category Archive: web design

  1. The Power of an Online Presence: Why Your Business Needs a Website

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    In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is essential for businesses of all sizes. With the vast majority of consumers turning to the internet for information and solutions, having a well-designed and informative website is no longer a luxury but a necessity. In this blog post, we’ll explore the importance of having an online presence for your business and delve into the numerous benefits that a business website can bring.

    24/7 Availability:

    Unlike a physical store with limited operating hours, a business website is accessible to potential customers around the clock. Whether it’s the middle of the night or a public holiday, your website is always available to showcase your products or services, answer customer inquiries, and provide valuable information. This constant availability allows you to reach a global audience and tap into new markets beyond your local area.

    Credibility and Trust:

    A professionally designed website lends credibility and builds trust with potential customers. In today’s digital world, consumers expect legitimate businesses to have an online presence. A well-crafted website can convey your brand’s values, showcase customer testimonials, highlight your expertise, and provide essential contact information. By having a website, you establish your business as a trustworthy entity, increasing the likelihood of converting visitors into loyal customers.

    Increased Reach and Targeted Marketing:

    With a business website, you can expand your reach far beyond the confines of your physical location. By implementing effective search engine optimization (SEO) strategies, you can improve your website’s visibility on search engine results pages. This means that when potential customers search for relevant keywords or phrases related to your business, your website has a higher chance of appearing at the top of their search results. By targeting specific keywords and optimizing your content, you can attract highly relevant traffic to your site, resulting in increased conversions and sales.

    Showcase Your Products and Services:

    A website provides you with an ideal platform to showcase your products or services in a visually appealing and informative manner. You can use high-quality images, videos, and detailed descriptions to engage visitors and demonstrate the value you offer. A well-designed website allows potential customers to explore your offerings at their own pace, compare different options, and make informed purchasing decisions. This not only enhances the user experience but also increases the likelihood of conversions.

    Cost-Effective Marketing:

    Compared to traditional forms of advertising, such as print media or television commercials, a business website offers a cost-effective marketing solution. Establishing and maintaining an online presence is generally more affordable, and the results are often measurable. Through various online marketing channels like social media, email newsletters, and content marketing, you can drive targeted traffic to your website, resulting in increased brand awareness and customer engagement.

    Customer Interaction and Feedback:

    A website serves as a platform for customer interaction and feedback. By incorporating contact forms, live chat, or customer support systems, you can easily engage with your audience, address their concerns, and provide timely assistance. Additionally, by encouraging customers to leave reviews or feedback on your website, you can build a positive online reputation and gather valuable insights for future improvements.


    In today’s competitive business landscape, having a strong online presence through a business website is crucial for success. It not only allows you to reach a broader audience and establish credibility but also provides a platform for showcasing your products or services, engaging with customers, and driving conversions. By embracing the power of an online presence, you position your business for growth, increased visibility, and a competitive edge in the digital marketplace. So, invest in a well-designed website and harness the countless benefits it brings to your business.


  2. Why Isn’t Anyone Coming to My Website?

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    This is a common question I am asked by some new clients, who already have a website, though it isn’t quite performing for them.

    There are many factors why your website may not be generating business or at least leading to enquiries.

    A website is a big investment, especially if you have paid a professional designer and developer and for that reason, just like if you were paying for something like a new car, you need to look after it after you have been handed the keys.

    Some of the best tips to get the best out of your website and get noticed are:

    • Sign up to Google Business and register your business for FREE. Easy way to get your company on google maps and on local searches for your industry
    • Create social media accounts for your business and start creating posts with links to your website
    • Use your websites blogging section and start to post new content on your website. This could be something as simple as promoting an offer, a new product range, or simply new work you have won that you wish to let everyone know about.
    • Use social media to promote your new blog/news stories to get people on to your website
    • If your type of business is something you can promote visually, create something like case studies on your website to build reputation
    • Geolocate your website pages so that you can be found in key search words
    • Either hire and SEO specialist or enrol on a workshop to help give you an understanding of how to tailor your website content to your prospective customers.

    These are only a few tips, though but is essential to be regularly active around your website and at least investing time and some marketing budget towards keeping you noticed.

    If you need help with your website, please get in touch.


  3. New Years resolutions – Plan ahead

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    I read an article recently on Linkedin from a Business coach, who encouraged business owners to plan ahead in advance for your company goals for the new year. I couldn’t agree more, though as a business owner myself, i know that attention may be elsewhere in your busy working schedule.

    Falling into that mindset for your business may be a new website or branding makeover.

    Whatever your decision, make sure that you think about the purpose of your website and what you aim to gain from your new website or re-design. The most common goals from business online is to promote your business locally, show your services, sell products online, or match up to, or out punch your competitors who have similar services.

    The most common reasons for a re-design, can be down to re-branding, an out-of-date look and feel, a lagging speed of loading time, or it is no longer user friendly and does not work on mobile devices.

    Plan in advance

    It is advised if you have future plans to launch a new website or a re-design of your current one in the new year, to consider taking action now in the planning of your content and structure of pages. If you have an existing website, take the opportunity to review your analytics and the pages that are the most visited, where are visitors dropping off, how did they arrive at your site? It is key to see how you market your business including visibility of the pages of your website, which could take between weeks and months for search engines to pick up on with impact.

    If you are interested in working with KP Kreative on your new website or re-design, get in touch today for a free quotation.

  4. What Are The Top 4 Features Of A Purposeful Website?

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    By guest contributor Kayleigh Alexandra @ Micro Startups

    If you want to achieve business success in 2019, you need to have a website with a purpose.

    A purposeful website is one that is entirely geared towards your business goals. Beyond simply looking and feeling nice, it is designed to generate conversions, grow your subscriber list, expand your readership, or whatever your specific business goals might be.

    So how can you tweak your website to give it more drive? Here are my suggestions for making your website more purposeful.

    1. Align your marketing with your website goals

    Over my years of entrepreneurship and blog management, I’ve learned that a website is not the be-all and end-all of a business. It is the nucleus at the heart of your business ecosystem, incorporating your email marketing, social strategy, paid ads, guest post backlinks, and so on.

    Check out the diagram below for a handy visualisation of how this network operates:

    Image Circle Studio


    Your website is like a spider sitting in the middle of a web, your customers are the juicy flies that crawl towards it (albeit with a happier ending for them). For example, my own websites have a variety of paths leading to them: social media, email, guest blogs, landing pages, and so on.

    A purposeful website is one that fosters this ecosystem, drawing customers down your marketing funnel towards conversion. A strong website design should reflect this, designed in a way that facilitates the customer journey from start to finish.

    Look beyond your website at the paths that connect to it. These paths go both ways too. Visitors to your website want to visit your social profiles for third-party reviews and a taste of your brand personality. So too do they want to sign up to your email newsletter from your homepage.

    Make your website URL visible on your social profiles, and scatter links to your homepage, blog, and product pages in your emails to drive traffic to your site. Similarly, your paid ads should mimic your website’s branding and vice versa.

    Takeaway tip: don’t look at your website as a single entity. Instead, view it as the center of your business network, and ensure the paths flowing to and from it are friction-free.

    2. Choose a CMS that works for you as well as your customers

    A purposeful website should work for your customers, delivering a positive UX and providing a seamless experience from start to finish.

    But it should be just as fluid and intuitive for you as it is for your customers. As entrepreneurs, we need to be able to manage our websites with ease, wherever we are.

    If you can’t manage your website effectively, you will struggle to craft it in a way that drives conversions — it will not fulfill its purpose.

    Consequently, I recommend choosing a content management system that helps you build a site with a purpose.

    From popular blogging platform WordPress to dedicated ecommerce solutions such as WooCommerce. These are intuitive and easy to use, and offer plenty of scope for creating a purposeful website.

    For example, most good site builders provide drag-and-drop design interfaces, which in turn let you create landing and product pages that hook customers and drive conversions.

    Similarly, the content management system you choose should provide for a variety of payment gateways. This streamlines the customer journey, helping you meet your business goals through design.

    Takeaway tip: my advice is to choose a content management system that has the perfect blend of functionality and usability. Its features should support your business model, helping you grow your store and connect with your customers.

    3. Create a website design geared towards profits

    Did you know? Our first impression of something is 94% design-related. When a customer arrives at your website, your design should look and feel slick and professional.

    But your web design is about more than pure aesthetics. Yes, an attractive-looking business website is important. But so too is a design that fosters conversions.

    Take the example of family and baby gift store Cole & Coddle. Prospective customers arriving on the homepage are immediately met with a selection of the brand’s best-selling products.

    Image Cole & Coddle


    At first glance, this might seem like a simple design choice to show off various Cole & Coddle products. But by deliberately showcasing the products that are most popular, the brand increases its conversions.

    And the strategy works — the brand generates an average of $121,490 per month as listed on Exchange. When the products that are most likely to be sold are placed front and centre, you shorten the customer journey and conversions shoot up.

    Takeaway tip: your web design should play into your customer psychology. Make the most pertinent products or information easy to find, and you will naturally generate more conversions as a result.

    4. Let your website tell your story throughout

    While your website’s purpose should be reflected in your site design and structure, so too should it be embodied in your website’s story. I believe that a site’s purpose should be entwined with your brand’s purpose, weaving a narrative throughout that solidifies your message in your audience’s minds.

    To accomplish this, you need to give your website a human element that connects with your target market on a personal level.

    Let’s look at your copy. How you write on your website should be personable and informal — even a business website should adopt a natural, conversational way of speaking.

    Take this personal approach further by addressing your target market’s pain points and providing a solution to them. Tell a story with your customer at the center, highlighting the problems they face. Position your product or service as the solution to those problems.

    For example, let’s say you sell online courses helping people develop healthier eating habits. How would you market that? As a customer, I don’t want to read about an online course that helps everyone live healthier — I want to know how it will help me.

    So tell a story about one specific customer, and make it real to them.

    Takeaway tip: when you write your website’s copy, don’t write for everyone — write for one specific person. Write as though you are speaking to an individual in person, rather than addressing your entire audience. By making your purpose clear to one person, you make it even clearer for everyone.

    When your website goals are aligned with your business goals, you will enjoy more conversions, a lower bounce rate, and increased customer value. Follow the tips above and create a purposeful website that serves your business time and time again.


  5. Start Planning Your New Website Now for 2020

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    You may already be considering your plans for next year in business. Amongst those plans may be to either add a new website to your business as an additional marketing tool, or you are looking to upgrade your existing website to a more modern design and platform.

    Whatever your decision, make sure that you think about the purpose of your website and what you aim to gain from your new website or re-design. The most common goals from business online is to promote your business locally, show your services, sell products online, or match up to, or out punch your competitors who have similar services.

    The most common reasons for a re-design, can be down to re-branding, an out-of-date look and feel, a lagging speed of loading time, or it is no longer user friendly and does not work on mobile devices.

    Plan in advance

    It is advised if you have future plans to launch a new website or a re-design of your current one in the new year, to consider taking action now in the planning of your content and structure of pages. If you have an existing website, take the opportunity to review your analytics and the pages that are the most visited, where are visitors dropping off, how did they arrive at your site?

    If you are interested in working with KP Kreative on your new website or re-design, get in touch today for a free quotation.

  6. Building your brand online with KP Kreative

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    Being a business owner can be a very demanding job and in some cases so demanding that you may feel you do not have the time to think of alternative ways of generating awareness of your services.

    You may also feel that your nearest competitors are bringing business there way that you should be competing for?

    Whether your business already has a website, or you are thinking of launching your first website this financial year, remember to have the mindset that your website is your online shop window and showcase for your brand.

    As of 2017, over 87% of smartphone owners use a search engine at least once a day and 72% of consumers doing a local search visited a store within 5 miles.

    A lot of businesses continue to solely use social media pages such as Facebook and Google+ as their standalone business page. As much as Facebook is good for notifying potential customers of your business and offers, it does not give a professional face for your company if you do not also have a website to send people to for more details and potentially a way to buy products.

    It is most likely your competitors have a website, and are promoting it through business cards, flyers, social media and adverts.

    Here is a quick breakdown of advantages of setting up a website for your business

    • Customers will find you on the internet –
      Whether it is typing your web address in or name of business at the very least, you will be found online. Ranking higher in search results though will take a minimum of 2-3 months to take effect, so key is to plan in advance.
    • Your friends can promote your business –
      Think of your website as a business card, where you can fit more information. Your company information is displayed on your website. If a friend or a happy customer wants to recommend your company, they can recommend by passing on your website address, which can then be passed on again and again.
    • Website is cost-effective long term –
      Increasing number of customers contacting you through your website and low operating expenses are far more cost-effective than traditional means  e.g., contacting customer personally or participating on exhibitions.
    • Product catalogue on a website (for eCommerce)–
      There are two ways of having a product catalogue. A pdf printed version or an online store. The pdf version cuts down cost of printing and posting to customers, where the customer can easily print or view from the screen at home. The alternative, is to have an online store, where the customer can buy and compare products, without leaving the house or needing to visit your store.

    Take a look at my portfolio and drop an email to enquire about my website design services or graphic design needs you may have.


  7. Give your business the web presence it deserves

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    Do you feel that your nearest competitors are bringing business there way that you should be competing for?

    Whether your business already has a website and you are just looking for a refresh, or you are thinking of launching your first website this year, remember to have the mindset that your website is your online shop window and showcase for your brand.

    A lot of businesses continue to use social media pages such as Facebook and Google+ as their only online presence. As much as Facebook is good for notifying potential customers of your business and offers, it does not give a professional face for your company if you do not also have a website to send people to for more details and potentially a way to buy products.

    • Don’t let your competition have the upper-hand –
      Most companies and individuals use internet to search for suppliers. If you do not own a company website, or have an outdated framework (not mobile friendly), your nearest competitors who do have web presence, have a gained advantage and are most likely to take over your potential business. Therefore, you should not wait any longer. Add to your customer base by setting up your own website to stay inline with competitors.
    • Customers will find you on the internet –
      Now that the majority of mobile phone users have smartphones, customers use internet to look for services and products on a daily basis whilst on the move. The internet serves as a tool for finding a relevant seller, who meets all buyer’s expectations – whether it’s price, quality or other criteria. This can save the buyer time and money in expenses, as well as give them a more open view to searching for and comparing products. A quality website saves your customers  time and makes their searching and shopping experience more enjoyable.
    • Time is key to reach first positions in search engine results –
      Top positions in search results is important for your business – it brings new visitors to your website, without additional costs incurred for advertising and promotion.
      However, your website will not reach first position overnight. It usually takes two or three months until your website (if it’s properly optimized for search engines) starts scoring high in the search results. Therefore, do not wait too long and invest in a professional website soon! Always consider these 2-3 months in advance if you are considering in promoting your business soon.
    • Your friends can promote your business –
      Think of your website as a business card, where you can fit more information. Your company information is displayed on your website. If a friend or a happy customer wants to recommend your company, they can recommend by passing on your website address, which can then be passed on again and again.
    • Website is cost-effective long term –
      Increasing number of customers contacting you through your website and low operating expenses are far more cost-effective than traditional means  e.g., contacting customer personally or participating on exhibitions.
      Considering the return on investment (the costs invested into development of a high quality website, less the profit your new website will generate), you will realise, that investing into the development of a professional website is very profitable.
    • Product catalogue on a website –
      There are two ways of having a product catalogue. A pdf printed version or an online store. The pdf version cuts down cost of printing and posting to customers, where the customer can easily print or view from the screen at home. The alternative, is to have an online store, where the customer can buy and compare products, without leaving the house or needing to visit your store.

    Take a look at our portfolio, email us to enquire about our website design services or graphic design needs you may have.


  8. Start the New Year with a New Website

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    2016 is now in full flow and its the beginning of putting those new years resolutions into action, or at least thinking about them. Whether your business already has a website and you are looking for a refresh, or you are thinking of launching your first website this year, remember to have the mindset that your website is your online shop window and showcase for your brand.

    A lot of businesses continue to use social media pages such as Facebook and Google+ as their only online presence. As much as Facebook is good for notifying potential customers of your business and offers, it does not give a professional face for your company if you do not also have a website to send people to for more details and potentially a way to buy products.

    • Don’t let your competition have the upper-hand –
      Most companies and individuals use internet to search for suppliers. If you do not own a company website, or have an outdated framework (not mobile friendly), your nearest competitors who do have web presence, have a gained advantage and are most likely to take over your potential business. Therefore, you should not wait any longer. Add to your customer base by setting up your own website to stay inline with competitors.
    • Customers will find you on the internet –
      Now that the majority of mobile phone users have smartphones, customers use internet to look for services and products on a daily basis whilst on the move. The internet serves as a tool for finding a relevant seller, who meets all buyer’s expectations – whether it’s price, quality or other criteria. This can save the buyer time and money in expenses, as well as give them a more open view to searching for and comparing products. A quality website saves your customers  time and makes their searching and shopping experience more enjoyable.
    • Time is key to reach first positions in search engine results –
      Top positions in search results is important for your business – it brings new visitors to your website, without additional costs incurred for advertising and promotion.
      However, your website will not reach first position overnight. It usually takes two or three months until your website (if it’s properly optimized for search engines) starts scoring high in the search results. Therefore, do not wait too long and invest in a professional website soon! Always consider these 2-3 months in advance if you are considering in promoting your business soon.
    • Your friends can promote your business –
      Think of your website as a business card, where you can fit more information. Your company information is displayed on your website. If a friend or a happy customer wants to recommend your company, they can recommend by passing on your website address, which can then be passed on again and again.
    • Website is cost-effective long term –
      Increasing number of customers contacting you through your website and low operating expenses are far more cost-effective than traditional means  e.g., contacting customer personally or participating on exhibitions.
      Considering the return on investment (the costs invested into development of a high quality website, less the profit your new website will generate), you will realise, that investing into the development of a professional website is very profitable.
    • Product catalogue on a website –
      There are two ways of having a product catalogue. A pdf printed version or an online store. The pdf version cuts down cost of printing and posting to customers, where the customer can easily print or view from the screen at home. The alternative, is to have an online store, where the customer can buy and compare products, without leaving the house or needing to visit your store.

    Take a look at our portfolio, email us to enquire about our website design services or graphic design needs you may have.


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